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Open Book

Peer-reviewed articles
* Equal contribution

Published articles (*equal contribution)

Please don't hesitate to reach out to me if you're unable to access any of these papers and would like a copy. Additionally, I'm more than happy to provide the code used to generate any figures in papers that I've led.


1. Tran K-N*, Pantha P*, Wang G*, Kumar N*, Wijesinghege C, Hong H, Johnson JC, Kel R, Matherne MG, Clement A, et al (2023) Balancing growth amidst salinity stress – lifestyle perspectives from the extremophyte model Schrenkiella parvula. The Plant Journal.

DOI: 10.1111/tpj.16396



2. Pantha P, Oh D-H, Longstreth D, Dassanayake M (2022) Living with high potassium: how plants balance nutrient acquisition during K-induced salt stress. Plant Physiology.



Cover page for Plant Physiology Volume 191, Issue 2, February 2023

First author profile published in the Plantae


3. P. Issa, M. Garvey, S. Grimmell, P. Pantha, M. Dassanayake, B. Elderd (2021). Hitching a ride: examining the ability of a specialist baculovirus to translocate through its insect host’s food plant. Pathogens.

DOI: 10.3390/pathogens10111500



4. Pantha P, Chalivendra S, Oh DH, Elderd BD, Dassanayake M (2021) A tale of two transcriptomic responses in agricultural pests via host defenses and viral replication. Int J Mol Sci 22: 1–27.




5. Pantha P, Dassanayake M (2020). Living with Salt. The Innovation 1, 100050.




6. Wang G, Pantha P, Tran K, Oh D, Dassanayake M (2019) Plant Growth and Agrobacterium-mediated Floral-dip Transformation of the Extremophyte Schrenkiella parvula. JOVE 1–8

DOI: doi:10.3791/58544

Link for the paper

Link for the video


7. Pantha P, Wang G, Tran K, Oh DH, Dassanayake M (2019) Growing plants on Mars: the development of sustainable crops for future human habitats, 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2019



8. Kazachkova Y, Eshel G, Pantha P, Cheeseman JM, Dassanayake M, Barak S (2018) Halophytism: What Have We Learnt From Arabidopsis Relative Model Systems? Plant Physiol 178: pp.00863.2018

DOI: doi/10.1104/pp.18.00863



9. Fan L, Wang G, Hu W, Pantha P, Tran K-N, Zhang H, An L, Dassanayake M, Qiu Q-S (2018) Transcriptomic view of survival during early seedling growth of the extremophyte Haloxylon ammodendron. Plant Physiol Biochem 132: 475–489




10. Pantha P, Sathish KP, Sixte N, Muthusamy M (2016) Improved embryogenic callus induction and plant regeneration in big bluestem (Andropogon gerardii Vitman), a potential bioenergy feedstock. A J Biotechnol 15: 2166–2171

DOI: 10.5897/AJB2016.15542



Manuscripts under review/revision

1. Wijesinghege, C, Wang, G, Pantha, P, Tran, K.-N, and Dassanayake, M (2022). Spatiotemporal gene expression atlas of the extremophyte Schrenkiella parvula




2. Kirioukhova O, Pawar P, Govind G, Pantha P, Lemcke R, Larsen DS, Rhahul AM, Shah JN, Wijesinghege C, Zhou Y, Gruissem W, Turck F, Dassanayake M, Johnston AJ (2019) A higher-order transcription factor network governs egg cell differentiation and stress homeostasis in Arabidopsis.



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